Culinary Pharmacy Crafted in the Kitchen







Papaya Puree Face & Neck Plaster

delivers the balance your skin deserves during the transition between seasons.

S H I M M E R   C O M P L E T E 
A revolutionary plant-based product line that is pre and probiotic, fresh, organic, and chemical AND preservative free.
Just as the healthiest foods we consume come from nature, the same should be expected from our skin, scalp, and hair care routines so that we allow our bodies to work for us, not against us.
S H I M M E R C H E F  Morning and Evening Face and Body Balms are designed for your entire body. These luxurious and healing products are non-comedogenic. The balms glide on easily, and will appear oily until nutrient absorption is complete.

For best results, remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to using. Apply a liberal amount to your body soon after showering to seal in moisture, armoring your skin while creating a slight shimmer. Apply a lesser amount of the balm to your face, depending on its hydration and nutritional needs. 

Apply after completing the face and neck plasters to retain maximum nutrient availability and to create a protective covering. Your face and neck will require a much smaller amount of balm for a healthy, radiant glow. 

*Balms can be stored in your refrigerator or bathroom cabinet. Use within one week.

Culinary Pharmacy Crafted in the Kitchen

For centuries, fresh fruits and herbs and oils were used to care for our bodies. Nature’s nutrients were treasured as a powerful resource. Modern civilization has lost this connection to nature. From this disconnect, we’ve learned some important lessons: Toxins from laboratory-created beauty products can be absorbed, and in some cases, lead to serious health complications. Aided by advances in skincare research, SHIMMER CHEF returns us to our roots. We create our products in a kitchen, not a laboratory. Using refrigeration to keep our whole food ingredients alive, we provide you with skin, scalp, and hair care directly from nature that’s always safe, and completely non toxic. 
S H I M M E R I N G  S A T I S F A C T I O N
"S H I M M E R COMPLETE keeps my skin healthy. The plasters and balms calmed my acne and my blemishes are gone. I've tried tons of other products but nothing is as effective. Finally, my skin is smooth and clear!" 
Saying goodbye to Christmas is hard to do. Wishing you all a healthy 2023!

Voltz Clarke Gallery

 Contemporary gallery committed to relevant international artists. 



Rere Corcoran

Shop unique jewelry by designer Rere - motivated by authenticity and intersection of character, art and culture her jewelry reflects both beauty and strength.
